What Is Static Var Generator?


Static Var Generators (SVGs) are devices used in electrical power systems to control the flow of reactive power. Reactive power is an essential component of power systems that helps maintain voltage stability and regulate the flow of active power. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of SVGs, their working principles, and their applications in power systems.

Working Principle of SVGs

SVGs are solid-state devices that operate based on the principle of voltage-source conversion. They are typically connected in parallel with the power system and can either absorb or generate reactive power as required. The main components of an SVG include a voltage source converter (VSC), a DC link, and a control system. The VSC is responsible for converting the DC voltage from the DC link into an AC voltage with controllable magnitude and phase angle. By adjusting the output voltage of the VSC, the SVG can either inject or absorb reactive power into the power system. The control system of the SVG continuously monitors the system conditions and adjusts the output voltage of the VSC accordingly to maintain the desired reactive power flow.

Applications of SVGs

SVGs have several applications in power systems, including: 1. Voltage Stability Improvement: One of the primary applications of SVGs is to enhance voltage stability in power systems. By injecting or absorbing reactive power, SVGs can help regulate the voltage levels and prevent voltage collapse during system disturbances. This is particularly crucial in transmission systems where long-distance power transfer can lead to voltage fluctuations. 2. Power Factor Correction: SVGs are also used for power factor correction in industrial and commercial facilities. Power factor is a measure of how effectively electrical power is being utilized. By injecting reactive power, SVGs can improve the power factor and reduce the burden on the power system. This helps optimize the energy consumption and reduces the penalties associated with low power factor. 3. Harmonic Mitigation: Another important application of SVGs is harmonic mitigation. Harmonics are unwanted distortions in the power system waveform that can cause equipment malfunction and power quality issues. SVGs can actively filter out harmonics by injecting reactive power of opposite phase, effectively canceling out the harmonic components. 4. Renewable Energy Integration: With the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, SVGs play a crucial role in integrating these intermittent sources into the power grid. SVGs can help regulate the voltage and reactive power flow to ensure stable and reliable operation of the grid despite the variability of renewable energy generation.

Advantages of SVGs

SVGs offer several advantages over traditional methods of reactive power control, such as: 1. Fast Response: SVGs can respond to system disturbances and changes in reactive power demand within milliseconds. This rapid response time allows for efficient voltage regulation and enhances the overall stability of the power system. 2. Wide Operating Range: SVGs have a wide operating range, allowing them to handle both low and high levels of reactive power. This flexibility makes them suitable for various applications and enables effective control of reactive power flow in different operating conditions. 3. High Efficiency: SVGs are highly efficient devices, with conversion efficiencies typically exceeding 98%. This high efficiency translates to lower energy losses and reduced operating costs. 4. Modular Design: SVGs are designed with a modular approach, allowing for easy scalability and flexibility. Additional modules can be added or removed as per the system requirements, making them adaptable to changing power system needs.


Static Var Generators (SVGs) are essential devices in electrical power systems for controlling reactive power flow. Through their fast response, wide operating range, and various applications, SVGs contribute to voltage stability, power factor correction, harmonic mitigation, and renewable energy integration. With their advantages of fast response, wide operating range, high efficiency, and modular design, SVGs are becoming increasingly popular in power system applications.

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